The DIR4WP57 Powered Process Indicator is a 85 to 250 VAC or 12-40 VDC powered microprocessor based indicator that incorporates a four (4) digit 57mm digit height LED display in a weatherproof surface mount enclosure with four set points that can switch 240VAC at one ampere resistive. The instrument is touch witch programmable from the front panel for input range, relay operation and display intensity.
The DIR4WP25 Powered Process Indicator is an advanced instrument which has been designed and manufactured to stringent specifications which accept all the standard analogue process signals.
The DIR4WP25 provides four (4) set point relays with 99% dead band. All the set point relays have changeover contacts and will switch one amp at 240VAC resistive. Screw terminal electrical connection by two part plug connectors allows simple connection and disconnection.
The instrument has a bipolar differential input. To realise the accuracy a temperature compensated band gap reference is used in the radiometric measurement system. Full scale ranges of 20 MV to 200VDC 200uA to 2 Amps and 4-20mA are acceptable.
DIR4WP25: A 4 digit high contrast light emitting diode (LED) of 25mm digit height with a wide viewing angle and a reading rate of 4 per second. The display intensity is programmable from the front panel. The digits have a viewing distance of 25 metres.
DIR4WP25: Four (4) position user programmable from the front panel.
DIR4WP25: Four (4) switch point relays are provided with form C contacts rated at 240VAC one (5) ampere resistive.
85 to 250VAC 47-63 Hz or factory fitted DC to DC converter isolator from 12 to 40VDC.
A 24VDC at 30mA transducer power supply is incorporated in the instrument.
DIR4WP25: 1500 grams
DIR4WP25: Surface mounting plastic enclosure of case dimensions 230mm wide by 140mm high by 95mm deep with fixing centres of 212mm wide by 122mm high.