
ILS Level System

The ILS Level System is a liquid level measuring system which is mounted on a storage tank and powered from 12-40VDC or 85 to 265VAC. It incorporates a six (6) digit 18mm LCD (liquid crystal) display with white LED backlight. The instrument can measure and store the storage tank?s liquid level using a non-contact sensor. The incorporation of a Wi-Fi module enables the ILS to send, store and display the sensor data using state of the art online API integration.

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  • Low cost – High performance
  • Non-contact method of liquid level detection using an ultrasonic sensor
  • Supplied in a surface mounting IP66 rated polycarbonate enclosure
  • A configured Mobile Broadband Modem is incorporated in the instrument
  • High contrast white Led backlit LCD display of with 6 characters of 18 mm high that display the liquid level percentage or cm
  • Mobile Broadband Modem enables ILS level data displayed on an internet dashboard
  • Display in percent or CM
  • Programmable low liquid level alarm for remote user notification by email
  • Programmable high liquid level alarm for remote user notification by email
  • Optional bund alarm input with remote user notification by email
  • Optional two-wire temperature transmitter input for liquid contents measurement
  • Standard one client email notification. Multiple client emails optional
  • Sensor supply that can be adjusted from 8 to 20VDC
  • 85 to 265VAC 47-63 Hz supply or factory fitted 12 to 40VDC supply
  • Plug in screw terminal electrical connections

The ILS Level System is a liquid level measuring system which is mounted on a storage tank and powered from 12-40VDC or 85 to 265VAC. It incorporates a six (6) digit 18mm LCD (liquid crystal) display with white LED backlight.

The instrument can measure and store the storage tank’s liquid level using a non-contact sensor. The incorporation of a Wi-Fi module enables the ILS to send, store and display the sensor data using state of the art online API integration.



The ILS uses an ultrasonic sensor to determine the liquid level. The echo signals from the sensor enables the ILS to operate in a non-contact method and results in an accuracy of 10mm and a range of 400cm


The ILS incorporates a six (6) digit 18mm high segmented LCD display with white LED backlight with a wide viewing angle and a viewing distance of 5 metres.


The ILS includes a low liquid level alarm. If the liquid level recedes the configured Low Level (LL%), the ILS sends an E-Mail notification on the user and also updates one specific data stream in the spreadsheet database.


A Wi-Fi module is used to connect the ILS to the internet. This feature allows the ILS to upload sensor data to an online database. The ILS is pre-configured for connectivity with a Pocket Wi-Fi module.

  • 0-70 degrees Celsius and 0-90% RH non-condensing.
  • Front facia is weatherproof to IP65.
Terminal 1: Not used Terminal 7: Relay one normally open contact
Terminal 2: Not used Terminal 8: Relay one normally closed contact
Terminal 3: Not used Terminal 9: Relay one common contact
Terminal 4: Not used Terminal 10: Ground
Terminal 5: Not used Terminal 11: 85 to 240VAC or 12-40VDC active supply
Terminal 6: Not used Terminal 12: VAC Neutral or 0VDC common supply

85 to 265VAC 47-63 Hz or DC to DC converter isolator from 12 to 40VDC. An adjustable transducer power supply of 8 to 24VDC at 30mA is incorporated in the instrument.


Surface mounting IP65 polycarbonate enclosure of case dimensions 130 mm long x 80 mm high by 75 mm deep with fixing centres of 120 mm wide by 60 mm high.

  • The ILS is designed to sense the liquid level in the tank during specific intervals. This interval can be customised and configured based on the data requirements. Pressing the Run button, the 6-digit LCD displays the liquid level in percentage or cm.
  • The ILS is mounted on the Tank and an overview of the principle of operation is as shown in Fig.1.
    The ultrasonic sensor mounted on the Tank measures the current liquid level and transmits the sensor data to an online database.
  • The online database in the form of a private spreadsheet is designed to store sensor data and process commands which enable the Client to receive real-time updates on the synchronises E-mail [Fig.3]. Also, historical data can be accessed which enables the Client to analyse trends related to the Liquid consumption in the Tank [Fig.2]
  • A Low Level alarm is integrated to the ILS. This alarm is raised on the Tank mounted device and also an E-mail notification to the Client.
Ordering Information
  • Model/display/power supply/options.
  • Sample number ILS/INC/0-99999.9/24VDC.

Fig.1. Overview of the ILS mounting

Fig.2. Private spreadsheet database dashboard

Fig.3. E-mail notification for low liquid level condition